Pret / Price aprox. 450 euros
RO – Masterclass Training in 22 si 23 Ianuarie 2024: “Arta de a Facilita” – Restaurarea Relațiilor“
Formatul de training se adresează in mod deosebit practicienilor in Constelații Sistemice care au urmat deja o pregătire/formare/training sau sunt încă in pregătire si terapeuților, care doresc sa acceseze un alt nivel de pregătire, dar si publicului larg care dorește sa intre in profunzime in câmpul Constelatiilor, atât personal cât și profesional
La acest Master Class il vei cunoaște pe Stephan, felul in care lucrează, felul in care privește si abordează Constelațiile, elemente teoretice, exerciții practice, si poți experimenta Constelații pe care le va lucra cu participanții.
EN – Masterclass Training, 22 & 23 of January 2024: “The Art of Facilitation”– Restoring Relations
The training format, is especially addressed to constellators and to therapists who wish to deepen their knowledge and practice, as well as to people interested in the process of increasing awareness through the constellation, both personally and professionally. In this Master Class, you will get to know Stephan, the way he works, the way he looks at and approaches the Constellations, the theoretical elements, the practical exercises, and you can experience the Constellations that he will work with the participants.
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